Attuning to the language of the cosmos for more connected, meaningful living
Astrology provides ancient timing techniques that map out key cycles of growth and change
Supporting you to align with the natural flow of your path’s unfolding
Helping you make meaning of events past, present and future
Inviting you to expand your worldview to include the living Cosmos and the natural world
“The alphabet of astrology is made up of the planets, aspects, houses and signs. With these basic components, the Cosmos can spin a million or so stories.” -
Bernadette Brady, The Eagle and the Lark
Astrology is the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies interpreted as having an influence on or simply reflecting affairs on earth. It is a language of symbols, omens and patterns that 'speaks' of the unfolding of time and events
Why astrology?
I believe that learning this language of the skies brings us into an intimacy and alignment with the world that encourages our seeing ourselves as natural, cyclical beings who are not, in fact, at the centre of it all. This perspective alone can take an enormous existential weight off of us humans and maybe shift us into this New World that aches to be born.
There is something acutely poetic to me about how we have a multitude of ways of relating to time. Celestial motion is an explanation and a metaphor for nothing staying the same forever. When we understand that the planets' journeys across the heavens is a clock - that marks literal seasons and also personal chapters of gain and loss, ease and frustration, hard work and leisure - we can permit ourselves to flow with exactly what is showing up in each phase.
To depend on this rhythmic shifting of space and time that has no beginning nor end, enables a trust in an unknown future.